iHub Drishti Foundation, the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) at IIT Jodhpur focused on "Computer VIsion (CV), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR)" in association with IIT Jodhpur Technology Innovation and Start-up Center (TISC) is initiating a HACKATHON for a group of students, researchers, budding entrepreneurs and startups. It is an initiative designed to foster innovation and support the development of cutting-edge technologies in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) fusion in the following areas.
iHub Drishti Foundation is a Section-8, Not-for-Profit Organisation, promoted by and at the Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur under a National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) of the Government of India.
TISC is a Section-8 Company promoted by IITJ and a Govt. of India-recognized Technology Business Incubator (TBI).
Prize money of Rs. 10 Lakh will be awarded based on the demonstrated prototype’s merit. The allocation of the prize money will be in the following manner-
It Is The Program For Acceleration And Growth In AI And XR Fusion Technology Development For Innovative Ideas - organised by iHub Drishti Foundation, IIT Jodhpur, in association with Technology Innovation and Start-up Center (TISC), IIT Jodhpur. The Hackathon was launched on 1st August 2023 by Meity Secretary Shri Aklesh Kumar Sharma and IIT Jodhpur Director and Chairman, iHub Drishti Prof. Sanatnu Chaudhury.
The Hackathon Is open to early-stage or growth-stage startups that are focused on developing solutions in the mentioned area or groups of students/innovators (Minimum Team Size - 2) who are intended towards startups/entrepreneurship.
- The teams have to register themselves for the Hackathon and submit their pitch/idea deck along with an application form on the website. Registration will start on 8th August 2023, and close on 8th September 2023.
- You will be informed about the primary screening (on the basis of the information in the application form along with relevant documents) results after the completion of the registration process.
- The selected teams will be invited to deliver a comprehensive pitch presentation, accompanied by a comprehensive methodology to build a final prototype for the Review and Steering Committee (RSC) during 21-22 September 2023. (Online)
- Teams will be selected based on their performance in the first round for the development phase. These team details will be revealed on 22 September 2023.
- The selected teams will demonstrate the advanced stage prototype in the final round on 29 November 2023. The selected teams need to physically come to IIT Jodhpur campus for demonstration.
- Three top teams will be considered for prize money.
The Submitted Proposal should be aligned with at least one application domain and one technology domain.
The Application domains for the hackathon are -
The winners of the Hackathon will receive a total prize money of INR 10 Lakh. First prize will be INR 5 Lakh, Second prize will be INR 3 Lakh and third prize will be INR 2 Lakh.
In Addition
- Winners (Startups) of Hackathon may be positively considered for preincubation/Incubation, and seed support by iHub Drishti (Please visit iHub Drishti page for more information: https://ihub-drishti.ai/entrepreneurship-and-startup-ecosystem)
- Brilliant student participants may be considered for prestigious CHANAKYA fellowship by iHub Drishti (Please visit iHub Drishti page for more information: https://ihub-drishti.ai/training/tih-ihub-drishti-chanakya-ug-pg-internship-fellowship)
- Brilliant young budding entrepreneurs may be considered for PRAYAS (PROMOTION AND ACCELERATION OF YOUNG AND ASPIRING TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURS) and Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR).
For more information, please contact: Vishakha Pareek (Email: entrepreneurship@ihub-drishti.ai)
Innovation: Teams should propose innovative solutions that address a specific problem or challenge within the chosen focus area or relevant area. The extent to which the proposed solution demonstrates innovation, creativity, and differentiation from existing solutions.
Feasibility: The proposed solution should be technically feasible and have the potential to go to market within a reasonable time frame.
Scalability: The solution should have the potential for scalability, allowing it to be adopted by a wider audience or industry. Moreover, the demonstration should be designed to take place in a challenging India-centric setting.
Market Potential: The potential market demand, scalability, and commercial viability of the solutions provided.
Deliverable/ Translational Feasibility: The relevance and clarity of anticipated outcomes and deliverables and their potential for commercialization.
Impact: The potential impact and benefits the solutions can deliver in the chosen focus area.
Sustainability and Adaptability of System: The proposed technological solutions should consider the complexity of the geographical setting and context involved.
Organizational and Investigator Capability: The team composition should encompass the expertise required to address the key scientific and engineering challenges targeted by this hackathon. The team must be adequately trained, experienced, and positioned to undertake this work. Substantial capability and commitment must be evident.
Code of Conduct:
- Ethical Conduct: Teams must adhere to ethical guidelines and principles in the development.
- Respect: Teams should maintain respect and professionalism in all interactions during the hackathon, including with fellow participants, organisers, judges, and stakeholders.
- Novelty: The idea should be novel, authentic, and there should not be any infringement and violation of intellectual property.
Amendment and Disqualification:
- Amendment: The organisers reserve the right to amend the rules and guidelines of the challenge if necessary, with prior notification to the participating teams.
- Disqualification: Teams may be disqualified if they violate the rules, guidelines, or code of conduct, or if they fail to meet the submission or evaluation requirements.
Registration and Final Application Submission Ends
Primary Screening Result Declaration
1st Round Evaluation
Demonstration of Advance Stage Prototype and Final Evaluation
0291 280 2244 & iHub Drishti Foundation
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, NH 62 Nagaur Road, Karwar 342030, Jodhpur District, Rajasthan, India